Sunday 16 October 2016

Week Beginning 17th October

Are you ready for the last week of the first half term of the year?  We know; it has gone very quickly.  We just want to remind you that there is no swimming this week because of parents evening.  From Mr Hughes, thank you to those kind parents who have made a donation to my justgiving page.  The head shave is taking place this Friday in school.  We have these few weekdays left and I would be very grateful for any more donations which will go straight to Cancer Research UK.  The page is


Year 3

We will be concluding our unit about information texts, "Where would you like to live?"  In groups, we will research a chosen country using ipads and record our information on a spider diagram.  Once we have gathered all our information, we will begin to write all about our chosen country, making sure that it is written in the present tense.   We will give our piece of writing a suitable heading and begin to organise our ideas into paragraphs with relevant subheadings.  To end the topic, the children will present their ideas to the class. .

Year 4

For the final week of this half term we will be reviewing some of the skills which we have been introduced to through our English topic and our Grammar sessions.  We will be developing our ability to up level our writing with a focus on understanding types of sentences which can improve our compositions.  Children will be strengthening their understanding of phrases, clauses, sentence types, conjunctions, a range of punctuation, homophones, word classes and they will have the opportunity to put this into practise through a creative piece of writing.


Year 3

Learning Area – Addition and subtraction

Learning Concept -          Add and subtract numbers with up to 3 digits, using formal written methods of columnar addition and subtraction.

Teaching sequence -      Add two 2-digit numbers using columnar addition without exchanging.
Subtract a 2-digit number from a 2-digit number without exchanging.
Add two 3-digit numbers using columnar addition without exchanging.  
Subtract a 2 or 3-digit number from a 3-digit number without exchanging.        
Add two 2-digit numbers where the units make more than 10
Add two 3-digit numbers where the units and/or tens make more than 10
Subtract a 2-digit number from a 2-digit number where exchanging is required
Subtract a 2-digit number from a 3-digit number where exchanging is required

Year 4

Learning Area –            Geometry Shape
Learning Concept -          Compare and classify geometric shapes, including quadrilaterals and triangles, based on their properties and sizes.

Teaching sequence -      Sort shapes according to their properties using correct vocabulary
Draw and classify shapes based on given criteria, then sort


This week we will be continuing with our first topic of the year – the Stone Age.  Children will be learning about Skara Brae and also Stonehenge.  They will explore:

·         How Scara Brae was discovered
·         Some of the items which were discovered there
·         How Skara Brae shows that  Stone Age people were beginning to change the way in which they lived
·         How Stonehenge changed from the Stone Age onwards
·         Why Stonehenge may have been built
·         How Stonehenge may have been used


Children will be starting a new unit for RE titled Promises.  This first explore week will have the children knowing and understanding what it means to belong to a group which involves promises and rules.

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