Sunday 29 January 2017

Week Beginning 30th January

This term seems to be going very quickly.  Can we remind Year 4 parents that the year group is going to the new Penketh Fire Station this Thursday.  Can you all please make sure that permission slips have been returned.


Year 3

In English we will continue our work around the book Eacape from Pompeii.  We will revise powerful verbs and consider what makes effective description.  We will then plan and draft our own story in the same style as the book.  The children will be given the opportunity to edit and improve their work too, independently and in pairs.  We will be looking for good description, the use of speech punctuation, different sentence starters (e.g. as soon as, over the hill, that evening) and conjunctions to join sentences (e.g. when, if, because, although).

Year 4

Children will be finishing off their non-fiction unit this week.  After writing their own newspaper report last week, children will now be writing one report from a range of viewpoints.  This will have them considering what we mean by the term ‘bias’ and see if they can write from the point of view for, against and from a neutral perspective.


Year 3

Learning Area –            Division

Learning Concept -          This week children will be recapping on division and looking at calculations which involve remainders.  Children will be using a number line to help them.

Year 4

Learning Area –            Fractions

Learning Concept -          Recognise and show, using diagrams, families of common equivalent fractions.

Teaching sequence -      Know all equivalent fractions of 1/2 up to and including the denominator 12
Know all equivalent fractions of 1/4 up to and including the denominator 12
Know all equivalent fractions of ¾ up to and including the denominator 12
Know all equivalent fractions of 1/3 up to and including the denominator 12
Know all equivalent fractions of 2/3 up to and including the denominator 12


This week children will be continuing with our new topic of ‘The Romans’.  This week children will look at a rebellion which took place against the Romans in Britain which was led by the well-known historical figure - Boudicca.


Children will be completing their RE topic - Journeys.  This week will see children remembering, celebrating and responding to a journey through a year and the Christian family’s journey with Jesus.

Sunday 22 January 2017

Week Beginning 23rd January

Ready for another week 3/4?  Lots of things to get through this week...


Year 3

We will focus our next few week's lessons around the text, "Escape from Pompeii" by Christina Balit. The children will read and listen to the story, engage with the text through discussion and drama.  They will have the opportunity to articulate ideas about the text using an increasingly varied vocabulary.  There is also a grammar focus on using powerful verbs and a chance to develop thesaurus skills next week.

Year 4

Children will be continuing with the non-fiction unit this week.  This week they will be recapping on the features of journalistic writing and the type of language that is used in the media to encourage readers/listeners to pay attention.  Children will be looking at how to present information in the format of a newspaper report.  They will draft the content of the report and then write it up in a final piece.


Year 3

Learning Area –            Fractions

Learning Concept -          Recognise and show, using diagrams, equivalent fractions with small denominators.
Recognise, find and write fractions of a discrete set of objects: unit fractions & non-unit fractions with small denominators.

Teaching sequence -      Know that 1/2 is the same as 2/4
Be able to show 1/3 and 2/6 of a square
Know what fractional values are, e.g. ¼ is one part of four, etc.
Know what a unit fraction is
Know what a non-unit fraction is
Use fractions to solve problems
Use a fraction wall diagram to solve problems

Year 4

Learning Area –            Place Value – Roman Numerals

Learning Concept -          Read Roman numerals to 100 and understand that over time, the numeral system changes to include the concept of zero and place value.
Teaching sequence -      Read Roman numerals from 1 to 10
Read Roman numerals to 50
Read Roman numerals to 100
Write Roman numerals from 1 to 10
Write Roman numerals to 50
Write Roman numerals to 100


This week children will be continuing with our new topic of ‘The Romans’.  This week children will be gaining an understanding of why the Romans built new roads in Britain, where some of the main roads ran from and how the roads were made.


Children will be continuing with their RE topic - Journeys.  For the next couple of weeks children will be working through the Reveal section of this unit.  This second week will have children looking at the feasts of Our Lady, the pilgrimage psalms and the Christian’s life journey.

Sunday 15 January 2017

Week Beginning 16th January

Another week full of opportunities to learn new things and practise what we have already covered.  Children also have the Friends of St Vincent’s Film Night to look forward to this week.  Can we take this opportunity as a phase team to thank all parents and grandparents who came along last Thursday to help with the pantomime and to thank all others who offered to help too.  We all had a great time and Mr Hughes has now fully recovered from the experience.


Year 3

We will continue our topic on myths and legends this week, which the children are really enjoying.  Having read a variety of Roman myths and identified their key features, we will go on to plan and write our own myths.  We will use the story of Romulus and Remus as a model, changing elements of it to make it our own.  We will incorporate speech into our writing, using the correct speech punctuation in our conversations between characters.  The children have been looking at synonyms for said too, so we will expect to see some of these in their independent writing.

Year 4

Children will be continuing with the non-fiction unit this week.  This week they will be looking at the features of journalistic writing and the type of language that is used in the media to encourage readers/listeners to pay attention.  Children will also be thinking about interview processes used to gather information for journalistic writing and will be devising their own interview questions.


Year 3

Learning Area –            Place Value

Learning Concept -          Compare and order numbers up to 1000
Recognise the place value of each digit in a 3 digit number

Teaching sequence -      Know which number in a set of 3 digit numbers is the greatest
Know which number in a set of 3 digit numbers is the smallest
Order a set of 3 digit numbers from smallest to largest
Order a set of 3 digit numbers from largest to smallest
Identify the hundreds, tens and ones in any 3 digit number
Partition a 3 digit number identifying the value

Year 4

Learning Area –            Statistics

Learning Concept -          Interpret and present discrete and continuous data using appropriate graphical methods, including:
-bar charts
-time graphs
Teaching sequence -      Tell the story’ of a bar chart with no scales on the axes
‘Tell the story’ of a bar chart with scales on the axes
‘Tell the story’ of a time graph with no scales on the axes
‘Tell the story’ of a time graph with scales on the axes
Construct a bar chart with correct labelling of both axes
Plot information on a time graph


This week children will be continuing with our new topic of ‘The Romans’.  This week children will be learning about who the Romans were and where they lived.  They will also be exploring who their leaders were and what family life was like for the Romans.


Children will be continuing with their RE topic - Journeys.  For the next couple of weeks children will be working through the Reveal section of this unit.  This first week will have children looking at the liturgical year, the seasons of the Church and what Ordinary Time is.

Tuesday 10 January 2017

Week Beginning 9th January

Welcome back.  We all hope that you had a very happy and holy Christmas.  We had a few days last week to settle in and so we will be getting straight back to work this week.  Just a point to make about this Thursday 12th January: children will be having an early registration at 8:30am and so the school gates will open from 8:15am.  This is so that we can have everyone registered and ready to leave for the pantomime!


Year 3

Our English lessons will be focused around myths and legends.  We will read a variety of Roman myths and identify their key features.   We will then focus on the story of Romulus and Remus, using drama to understand the events.  We will also discuss the characters, make predictions, draw inferences and compare endings to show how myths can be written as different versions.  Lastly, we will begin to look at speech punctuation in the text and synonyms for said.  There are many online versions of the story of Romulus and Remus as well as other Roman myths, if you wish to research and read together at home.

Year 4

Children will be starting another non-fiction unit this half term.  In this unit, the children explore the Big Question: What is the world’s most incredible sport? They will read the interactive eBook, find information whilst distinguishing between fact and opinion. Their aim is to answer the Big Question with the final target of planning and writing their own newspaper report.


Year 3

Learning Area –                Geometry – 3D shape

Learning Concept -          Make 3D shapes using modelling materials; recognise 3D shapes in different orientations; & describe them
Teaching sequence -      Make 3D shapes from a range of materials (including modelling materials and construction)
Accurately describe the properties of 3D shapes

Year 4

Learning Area –            Measures - Perimeter

Learning Concept -          Measure and calculate the perimeter of a rectilinear figure (including squares) in cm and m.
Teaching sequence -      Know the formula for calculating the perimeter of a rectangle (2 x length plus 2 x breadth)
Know that the perimeter of an irregular shape can be calculated by $adding the length of each individual side together


This week children will be starting to look at our new topic of ‘The Romans’.  We are all excited to start this unit.  This week will see the children creating some display work in a style which is very much related to the Romans.  We will also be considering what we know about the Romans already and what we want to find out with the aim of being able to write about what we have learnt at the end of the unit.


Children will be starting a new unit in RE called Journeys.  Through this Explore week children will reflect on the celebrations which took place over the Christmas period and consider what the year to come might bring.  They will think about planning  a journey throughout this new year of 2017.