Sunday 29 January 2017

Week Beginning 30th January

This term seems to be going very quickly.  Can we remind Year 4 parents that the year group is going to the new Penketh Fire Station this Thursday.  Can you all please make sure that permission slips have been returned.


Year 3

In English we will continue our work around the book Eacape from Pompeii.  We will revise powerful verbs and consider what makes effective description.  We will then plan and draft our own story in the same style as the book.  The children will be given the opportunity to edit and improve their work too, independently and in pairs.  We will be looking for good description, the use of speech punctuation, different sentence starters (e.g. as soon as, over the hill, that evening) and conjunctions to join sentences (e.g. when, if, because, although).

Year 4

Children will be finishing off their non-fiction unit this week.  After writing their own newspaper report last week, children will now be writing one report from a range of viewpoints.  This will have them considering what we mean by the term ‘bias’ and see if they can write from the point of view for, against and from a neutral perspective.


Year 3

Learning Area –            Division

Learning Concept -          This week children will be recapping on division and looking at calculations which involve remainders.  Children will be using a number line to help them.

Year 4

Learning Area –            Fractions

Learning Concept -          Recognise and show, using diagrams, families of common equivalent fractions.

Teaching sequence -      Know all equivalent fractions of 1/2 up to and including the denominator 12
Know all equivalent fractions of 1/4 up to and including the denominator 12
Know all equivalent fractions of ¾ up to and including the denominator 12
Know all equivalent fractions of 1/3 up to and including the denominator 12
Know all equivalent fractions of 2/3 up to and including the denominator 12


This week children will be continuing with our new topic of ‘The Romans’.  This week children will look at a rebellion which took place against the Romans in Britain which was led by the well-known historical figure - Boudicca.


Children will be completing their RE topic - Journeys.  This week will see children remembering, celebrating and responding to a journey through a year and the Christian family’s journey with Jesus.

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