Sunday 6 November 2016

Week Beginning 7th November

Ready for the second week of the half term?  Last week we started introducing our Christmas play to the children and the acting roles, dance and songs which are involved in the production.  We won’t say too much on here as we want to leave some of it as a surprise.  However, this week children will be receiving their acting parts (Year 4 children) and all children will be receiving a print out of the song words.  We would ask that the children work very hard over the next few weeks to learn these lines and songs – we are counting this as part of their homework up until the time when the performances start.


Year 3

This week we will be carrying out some assessments in Maths, Reading and Writing.  We will be looking to find out what the children have learned so far and identify any areas that they need to work on next.  We will also have a spelling focus towards the end of the week, looking at spelling patterns and strategies that we can use to help us to learn our spellings.

Year 4

Children are moving onto a new topic in their English this week and the overview of it is as follows:  Children are going to be introduced to the idea of an audio story or podcast. As a class, they listen to a spooky story podcast in three episodes, asking questions and listening out for sound effects to develop their listening and comprehension skills. They will focus on the use of language and the way it is used in conjunction with the narrator’s voice and sound effects to create atmosphere and character. After some help they will practise mind mapping and planning a story as a class. They will then build on this experience to plan and write their own three-episode spooky story podcasts in groups. Time is given at the end of the unit for the children to practise reading their stories aloud and incorporate sound effects. The podcasts will then be recorded or performed so that they can be shared with one another.


Year 3

Learning Area –            Multiplication and Division

Learning Concept -          Write and calculate mathematical statements for multiplication using known multiplication tables, including 2-digit x 1-digit, using mental and progressing to formal written methods.


Teaching sequence -      Multiply a multiple of ten by a single digit mentally, using 2, 3, 4, 5, 8 and 10x.                                      Multiply a 2-digit number by a single digit using 2, 3, 4, 5, 8 and 10x.

Year 4

Learning Area –                Measures Time
Learning Concept -          Read, write & convert time between analogue and digital 12-and 24-hour clocks.

Teaching sequence -      Know how to set out each analogue time in digital format
Know how to set out each digital time in analogue format.
Convert between analogue and digital and vice versa
Explain how the digital clock system works, e.g. 10 past 2 in the afternoon = 2:10pm = 14:10.


This week children will be starting their new topic considering Map work – Map and Plan skills.  This week will have the children considering the difference between a plan and a drawing of an object or place.  They will be attempting to draw plans from side, front, back and overhead views.  They will then challenge themselves by trying to draw missing views of a plan.


Children will be continuing with their new unit for RE entitled Promises.  Throughout the next couple of weeks they will explore:

·         The sacrament of Baptism
·         The Word of God
·         Litany of Saints
·         Promises made at Baptism
·         The Baptism and Anointing

·         The symbols used within Baptism

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